Track Online Sentiments In Real-Time

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Tracking your brand mentions and analysing sentiment can help you get customer reviews straight from the source. This tool is best for your social media channels because it can tell you exactly how people feel about your company’s social media accounts. “In addition to tracking your online mentions, you can also track your competitors’ mentions to understand the progress of your business.    Positive emotions help determine where your competitors are doing well. Sentiment information can positively impact your company’s bottom line.

With Kommon Poll, you can track the sentiment of mentions of your brand in near real-time. Aggregate user-generated content by allowing you to track and measure what consumers are saying about you or your brand. You can also use Kommon Poll to track the overall brand attitude towards your competitors

Real-time sentiment analysis can be used on hundreds of pages and thousands of individual opinions in seconds, and continuously monitor Twitter, Facebook, email, and more in real-time, all the time. Real-time sentiment gives you the ability to see what your customers and the general public are saying about your brand “right now” for targeted, minute-by-minute analysis and tracking of brand sentiment over time.    

Analysing your brand’s sentiment can help you gain the background information you need to achieve your business and marketing goals. Sentiment analysis can help companies track their brand and product perceptions at critical moments and over some time. Social media monitoring tools use it to provide users with information about the public’s views on their business, products, or topics of interest. Tracking tools essentially search for brand mentions in public social networks such as Twitter and Facebook and assign sentiment scores accordingly.    

Second, tracking negative social media mentions allows your team to connect with people who may have a challenging experience with your brand. This is especially useful for brands actively interacting with their customers on social media, chat and email, where it can be challenging to determine the message’s mood. Getting feedback and analysing company sentiment can give companies a powerful boost to how customers really “think” of their brand.    

When you can understand your customers emotionally, you can provide more reliable customer service. In a world of endless opinions on the web, how people “perceive” your brand can be crucial in measuring customer experience. Consumers want good brands that understand them, brands that offer an unforgettable online and offline experience.    

Knowing what people think of your online brand can help you make smarter business decisions. You can conduct sentiment analysis based on aspects of your product that are tweeted in real-time, for example, to determine which part your customers respond to most positively or negatively. Once you know how people feel about your brand, you can filter your mentions by language, location, and sentiment.    

This will help you build your market segment in a more structured and detailed way. Real-time access to data from many sources in various languages ​​helps to track conversations on social networks, blogs, forums, etc. It uses multiple technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, text and social analytics to perform sentiment analysis on large collections of text from social media posts, online discussion groups, news portals, online reviews, etc.    

Automated tools can give you a rough idea of ​​audience sentiment over a period of time, allowing you to track efforts to influence public opinion directly. Real-time sentiment analysis is an AI-driven solution that tracks any location mentioned by your brand and products and automatically analyses them with little or no human intervention.

Use Kommon Poll to track reactions to your campaigns, events, new product launches to find ways to improve. Consumer monitoring can help you find areas that can be improved to keep your customers happy. By observing social sentiment over time, you will begin to understand how your posts can affect how your followers relate to you. 

Kommon Poll allows users to track online customer sentiment on social media and large-scale traditional media in real-time and analyses the sentiment of each of these mentions. You can also segment sentiment by sources and get an overall sentiment score for your keyword using complex filters. It doesn’t end there! We also provide Named Entity Recognition, and other mention analysis features to identify relationships between various mentions better. It also includes Sentiment tracking for individual sources separately to help you identify potential divergences and biases in sources.

Try out Kommon Poll now with a free trial!


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