
It is how Positive or Negative the public opinion is on your keyword.

It is the subjectivity of the public opinion on your keyword. A high subjectivity may suggest that the views are personal preferences, whereas high objectivity means the mentions are based on facts. 

The mention count shows the total number of mentions found for your keyword. This includes the mentions that are considered as similar, thus may be higher than the number of mentions shown.
The Influence score shows how much of an impact the keyword has on the public. The score is the sum of the influence scores of all the mentions. The higher the score, the more influence the keyword holds.
The social reach is the total number of social interactions for the keyword. This includes all likes, reposts, comments for all social posts as well as the view count for videos.
The duplication rate shows the percentage of mentions with highly similar content. A high duplication rate (>50%) may indicate that a particular event occurred recently that gained the public interest. Note that this may not be an effective metric if the Mention count is low.
The Average Influence score shows how much of an impact the keyword has on the public normalized for the number of mentions. This may be used in conjunction with the Influence Score to understand the public interest on the keyword.
The Social Mention count is the number of Social Media Posts mentioning the keyword.

The Sentiment Distribution shows how mentions are placed on the polarity and subjectivity scales. Since not all mentions are equal in weight, the size of the circle represents the importance of the mention, with the larger ones being more influential. You may use this chart to identify how opinions are distributed.

Our Artificial Intelligence Models extract the topics that each mention is most related to. 

Our Artificial Intelligence Models extract words and phrases that it considers as persons, Person Groups, Companies, Products, Events or Locations from all of the mentions.

Our Artificial Intelligence Models extract words and phrases that it considers as Locations from all of the mentions. This is not to be confused with the location in which the mention was made. Instead, are the locations stated within each mention. We have mapped it out to visualize the places most talked about in relation to your search keyword.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can try out our Free Plan here.

Yes, it takes only 60 seconds to upgrade and you can do it at any time. 

yes, you can cancel your plan at any time and it will be in effect from the next billing cycle

Yes, we can create customized plans for you with additional social features based on your needs. Contact us at help for more details.

A saved search will provide you the benefit of having unlimited social mentions tracked and daily email reports.

As social mentions are extracted on a real time basis, there are quotas in place to ensure fair use for everyone. You may click here to view further details.

We accept Visa and MasterCard payments

Start Searching

For a basic search, simply enter the search query in the search bar and click search.

All searches are considered as phrases (eg: "Kommon Poll" will have to be in the same order as a phrase in the search result). If you wish to have the words in the mentions but not necessarily in the form of a phrase, you may use a boolean search (eg: Kommon AND Poll)

Social & Advanced Search

Select the options you wish to search. The following options are optional and use up your quota.

  • Instant Search - search the web Instantly
  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • Reddit
  • Instagram (Only available for custom packages)
  • Facebook (Only available for custom packages)

NOTE: Report generation is not available for Basic Subscriptions.

Boolean Search

Type your first search keyword and click on the '+' sign on the right. Then select the boolean operator (AND or OR). Enter the next keyword in the second entry block and press the '+' icon to add more or the 'x' icon to remove a keyword

AND - The resulting mentions MUST include ALL of the keywords/phrases

OR - The resulting mentions can contain EITHER of the keywords

Refresh Search

To add search options or to refresh it, select the social options you wish to enable for the next search and click on Refresh

Note: each time a search is made it is deducted from the quota

Save a Search

Simply click on the Save search button to save a search. To remove a saved search click UnSave search or Remove Search from the sidebar.

NOTE: Saving searches is currently available only on Enterprise packages

Search Again

To Re-search a previously searched keyword, click Search Again on the dashboard or on the sidebar.

Note: each time a search is made it is deducted from the quota


Select the filters from the left sidebar and click Filter.

Click on Remove Filters to reset the filters.

Filter By Date

select the calendar on the left sidebar and select the date range. Once you click on apply, the new results will show up.

Generate A Report

Simply click on the PDF button on the Download Report section

NOTE: Report generation is not available for Basic Subscriptions.